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In vitro antimicrobial activity of marbofloxacin and enrofloxacin against bacterial strains isolated from companion animals

A. M. Farca1, P. Cavana1, P. Robino2, P. Nebbia2
1Section of Clinical Science, Department of Animal Pathology, University of Turin, Italy, 2Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Epidemiology, Animal Production and Ecology, University of Turin, Italy

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In vitro antimicrobial activity of marbofloxacin and enrofloxacin against bacterial strains isolated from companion animals

Fluoroquinolones were originally developed for the Gram-negative aerobic spectrum, but the newer generation agents are also highly effective against some Gram-positive pathogens and cause few adverse effects. Owing to these characteristics, fluoroquinolones are often used in first line therapy in small animal practice. However, their widespread use has raised concern over emerging bacterial resistance. In this study we evaluated the in vitro efficacy of two fluoroquinolones, marbofloxacin and enrofloxacin, on field strains isolated from clinical infections between 2002 and 2005. Our data show that most of the isolates are still sensitive to both antimicrobials and marbofloxacin was more effective than enrofloxacin, especially against P. aeruginosa and β-Streptococci (P < 0.01). β-Streptococci demonstrated the greatest resistance to the two study drugs.

Keywords: marbofloxacin,enrofloxacin,antimicrobial sensitivity in vitro,dog,cat


Fluoroquinolone wurden ursprünglich zur Bekämpfung gramnegativer, aerober Keime entwickelt, doch sind antibakterielle Substanzen der neuen Generation auch gegen grampositive Bakterien wirksam und zeigen nur geringe Nebenwirkungen. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften werden Fluoroquinolone beim Kleintier als erste Therapiemassnahme eingesetzt. Ihre breite Anwendung wirft aber auch Fragen der Resistenzbildung auf. In vorliegender Studie haben wir die in vitro Wirksamkeit von zwei Fluoroquinolonen, Marbofloxacin und Enrofloxacin, gegen Feldstämme, die bei infizierten Hunden und Katzen zwischen 2002 und 2005 isoliert wurden, untersucht. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Grosszahl der Isolate gegen beide Substanzen empfindlich waren, wobei Marbofloxacin wirksamer war als Enrofloxacin, speziell gegen P. aeruginosa und β-Streptokokken (P < 0.01). β-Streptokokken zeigten die grösste Resistenz gegen die zwei untersuchten Substanzen.

Schlüsselwörter: Marbofloxacin,Enrofloxacin,antimikrobielle Empfindlichkeit in vitro,Hund,Katze


Les fluoroquinolones ont été développées à l’origine contre les agents gram négatifs mais les générations les plus récentes sont aussi très efficaces contre certains gram positifs et causent peu d’effets secondaires. Au vu de ces caractéristiques, les fluoroquinolones sont souvent utilisées comme thérapie de premier recours chez les animaux de compagnie. Toutefois cet emploi soulève la question de l’apparition de résistances. Dans cette étude, on évalue l’efficacité in vitro de deux fluoroquinolones, la marbofloxacine et de l’enrofloxacine sur des souches isolées d’infection clinique entre 2002 et 2005. Les résultats montrent que la plupart de ces bactéries restent sensible aux deux produits et que la marbofloxacine est plus efficace que l’enrofloxacine en particulier contre P. aeruginosa et les streptocoques β (P < 0.01). Les streptocoques β démontrent la plus grande resistance contre ces deux substances.


I fluorochinoloni sono stati sviluppati per ampliare lo spettro d’azione nei confronti dei batteri Gram-negativi, ma gli agenti antibatterici d’ultima generazione sono molto efficaci anche contro i batteri Gram-positivi ed hanno pochi effetti collaterali. In conformità a queste caratteristiche i fluorochinoloni sono spesso utilizzati come prima scelta terapeutica nella pratica clinica, con il rischio di favorire lo sviluppo di antibiotico-resistenza. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di valutare l’efficacia in vitro di due fluorochinoloni, marbofloxacina ed enrofloxacina, su batteri isolati negli anni 2002–2005. I nostri dati mostrano che la maggior parte degli isolati batterici sono ancora sensibili ai fluorochinoloni e la marbofloxacina è risultata più efficace dell’enrofloxacina. In particolare, P. aeruginosa e β-Streptococci si sono dimostrati più sensibili alla marbofloxacina rispetto all’enrofloxacina (P < 0.01). I β-Streptococchi sono risultati i più resistenti ai fluorochinoloni.